(Be warned, lots and lots of pictures to follow)
Today was Lilly's 5th Birthday and she started Kindergarten. I kept telling her that was the perfect way to make friends. Show up with cupcakes the first day of school. She has been so excited for so long. She even got up on time, which you guys know is a big deal. She loves her sleep. Especially sleeping in late in the morning.
Today Mary started 4th grade and Zane started 6th. Next year I will have one in middle school and one in high school. I think I just aged myself. The kids were so excited to start school and they love their new teachers. Jack, my nephew, is living with us right now also and started. He also scored with his teacher. It looks like it is going to be a great year.
The sun was bright. I think that is the reason for the crazy face.
Mary came over to check on Lilly while waiting for the bell. They still look a little tired
3rd to 4th grade is a big jump.
Lilly was able to bring her teddy bear for comfort. It was cute to watch all the kids with their stuffed animal to help them survive.
It made the first day of school much easier.
She thought it was so cool. It was so cool to see her excited. I was worried about her but she settled in just fine. Silly me.
He she is trying to figure out how to sign I love you. Kind of hard for those little fingers.
Lilly's teacher read them The Kissing Hand. All the parents were allowed to stay and watch and listen. Such a sweet story. She wore her hand necklace until this morning when she got dressed. She was disappointed when she got to school without it.
She ran out to greet me with a huge smile on her face.
She wanted to go to Claire's to spend some of her Birthday money she received. So she bought a necklace and sunglasses. She had more fun picking out that stuff.
School was very overwhelming and she still has no bones in her neck. She completely folds in half when she falls asleep in the car. I left is on the side because I feel bad for her neck. thought maybe this would help.
One of her birthday presents was a new bike. We added the basket with the "stuff" inside.

Lilly picked Red Robin for dinner. Her favorite place.
They of course have macaroni and cheese. Of course better than what we can make at home for some reason. They sang to her and brought her an ice cream sundae. What could make a 5 year old happier? They tied balloons to her spoon. That is how.
Birthday cake and presents at home.

An old fashion gum ball machine. She is all the kids best friend.
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