Friday, November 6

Why we have Pets

In no particular order and with help from all members of the family.
  • It teaches all of us to be responsible and aware of someone besides ourselves.
  • Unconditional love
  • Snuggling (Mary)
  • You are never alone
  • The smile they put on your face when you walk in the door after being gone.
  • The "Oh, how cute!" moments.
  • Exercise
  • Sharing your love (Lilly)
  • Playing and rough housing (Zane)
  • Lots of love (and kisses)

There are so many more reasons. Since we got married we have owned 5 dogs and 1 cat. I wouldn't trade the experience our kids have had with each pet. They have learned so much, experienced so much, and even learned a little about loosing something you love.

In our house, our pets are like additional children. My kids walk in the house and look for their fuzzy friends before they look for me. They have to say good bye whenever we leave. It touches my heart to know that they have a confidant when they need to talk, a constant loving companion and friend. I wouldn't trade the experiences they have had.

So I may have some dog hair that has to be vacuumed everyday, dog dishes sitting in my kitchen, dog hair in the van from all the trips to the dog park, a basket full of dog toys that get spread more than any toddler's toys, and a lab that thinks she is a little dog and insists on sitting on the back of the leather couch. But they are my fuzzy kids and I love them.