Monday, March 15

Lilly again...


the second bottom tooth came out just a few days later. She tells me she was so worried about it, but so excited when she came home from school with her tooth in a little tooth necklace. No more loose teeth at the moment, but as you can tell from the picture, there will be braces in her future. Her bite is totally off. 2 sets of braces paid off, 2 more to go.

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This second picture needs an explanation. I needed this picture for proof. Lilly is my little rebel. She is stubborn and strong willed. So school has been a little bit of a challenge this year. She doesn't feel like she should do more than what she wants to do. She has all these excuses she uses with her teacher to get out of doing what she doesn't want to.
"I will do it when I get home."
"I don't know how."
"I will do it later."
She cracks me up. It is so frustrating sometimes though. So this is Wednesday and Thursday nights homework that we were doing at 10 p.m. on Sunday. It was the first time I was able to get her to focus. She is such a night owl, that she was plenty awake to do it. So we will get it turned in, late, but done. I figured out while she was off track that she knows most all the Kindergarten skills needed, she just refuses to share them with her teacher. Our next goal is to convince her she isn't in charge and she does have to go to school and share what she has learned. The little stinker...